Studio 70

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4 Things I Learned From Our Yoga Biz Coach Amy McDonald

Last year Michelle and I started working with our yoga business coach Amy McDonald. Finding the right coach was important to us so we were excited when she told us she would be coming to the UK and delighted she accepted our invitation to spend a day with us at Studio 70!

I want to share with you some reflections on what I’ve learned from working our mentor.

1. Abundance

‘Yoga is free, electricity and rent are not’. As yoga people we often feel a bit icky about asking money for class. The important thing to remember is that, if you are planning to support yourself financially through your teaching then you need to set your prices accordingly. We all have living costs and whether you want to be able to go on holiday, take a yoga retreat or just not worry about paying your rent from month to month: your pricing needs to support this. If you are constantly stressed about paying your bills rather than teaching from a place of abundance you may be teaching from a place of lack. 

2. Know your brand

Unless you are trained in marketing, starting up a business and promoting yourself can be difficult. One of the things that we found useful on our journey with Amy was getting clear on our vision. Once you have a very clear vision you can start to build a strong brand identity which reflects this.

3. Help!

It’s okay to ask for help. It’s easy to get caught in the trap of feeling like you need to be good at everything. Having a good team of people to support you in your business is so important. It will keep you from burning out (a big problem for yoga teachers!) and give you a bit of breathing space when things get really busy.

4. Community

Amy has created a truly wonderful community and support network and I agree that it can help tremendously. I have connected with yoga teachers around the world on the same path. I have supported and given advice to other yoga teachers in their journey to studio ownership. I’m really excited to meet other yoga teachers in person at our Abundant Yoga Teacher Immersion next month! Sharing and feeling part of a community is crucial, especially when you’re self-employed and working from home.

These are just a few of the lessons that I've learned from our coaching and I can honestly say that this has helped our classes and our studio to grow. If you'd like to join our tribe of abundant yogis gathering for the Abundant Yoga Teacher Immersion on June 10th with Amy McDonald book here. 

Amy McDonald is a business coach for Yoga teachers. When she's not travelling the world sipping chai and nerding out about Yoga she lives in a historic town in Australia's goldfields with her terrier Stephen and a garden full of kangaroos and lizards. Find her online at or her Abundant Yoga Teacher Podcast on iTunes.