Studio 70

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Alice Elms on her yoga teacher training and starting over again

1. How long have you been practising yoga for?

My yoga practice extends back over more than a decade, although its intensity, and my attendance at a regular class, has varied drastically.

2. What keeps you coming back to your mat every week?

Initially I used yoga as a tool to support another hobby (see pic!), so the focus was a fairly frantic pushing of my flexibility and strength. Over time it has come to mean so much more, and after an injury it became indispensable for rehabilitation and self-care. At this stage I’d say it supports pretty much every aspect of my life; the search for good rhythms, suppleness of mind and body, easy breathing, kindness, and calm focus amongst the chaos. 

3. What aspects of your yoga practice are you focusing on at the moment?

Much to my excitement, I’ve just begun my yoga teacher training, so getting right into the nitty-gritty of the basics is high priority. Starting from the beginning again is revelatory; plans for fancy balances have been shelved in favour of attention to detail in those poses my mind and body want to perform in a habitual way and class as rudimentary (they’re not!). 

4. What advice would you give to someone who’s thinking about trying yoga for the first time?

Stop thinking and try. Go with a smile and trust your teacher (at Studio 70!) to guide you through the rest. This is your playtime!

5. Why do you come to Studio 70?

I love the unpretentious atmosphere of Studio 70, and the dedication the teachers have to their students. Along with a wealth of yogic knowledge there is always warmth and kindness to be found there, and a heartening cup of herbal tea. 

6.What’s your favourite yoga pose?

I love to balance so I’m pretty happy hanging out in half-moon or standing half split. Savasana’s no bad either. 

7. Tell us one fun fact about yourself!

I am small and mighty. 

Alice is a regular at Studio 70 and you'll find her in our Flow and Restorative classes! Join our unlimited yoga membership today.